File #: 2023-3186    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Non-Consent Status: Passed
File created: 8/23/2023 In control: STEERING COMMITTEE
On agenda: 2/26/2025 Final action: 2/26/2025
Sponsors: Mike Dorman
Attachments: 1. Agenda Report, 2. 5-67 Construction Contract Agreement, 3. Presentation - 5-67 Contract
Related files: 2021-1483, 2023-3123, 2023-3214, 2024-3781, 2024-3782, 2025-4129

FROM:                     Robert Thompson, General Manager

                     Originator: Mike Dorman, Director of Engineering 











RECOMMENDATION:  Recommend to the Board of Directors to:

A.       Approve a project budget increase of $26,000,000 for Bay Bridge Pump Station Replacement, Project No. 5-67, for a new total budget of $172,000,000;


B.       Receive and file Bid Tabulation and Recommendation for Bay Bridge Pump Station Replacement, Project No. 5-67;


C.       Award a Construction Contract Agreement to J.F. Shea Construction, Inc. for Bay Bridge Pump Station Replacement, Project No. 5-67, for a total amount not to exceed $87,321,000; and


D.       Approve a contingency of $8,732,100 (10%).





The Bay Bridge Pump Station and associated force mains were constructed in 1966 on East Coast Highway just east of the Lower Newport Bay Channel.  The pump station and force mains are critical to the Orange County Sanitation District’s (OC San) infrastructure as it conveys over half of Newport Beach’s wastewater.  The pump station is almost 60 years old and at the end of its useful life.  The existing force mains were previously lined, are at the end of their useful life, and need to be replaced with a larger size to improve reliability.  The force mains will be constructed under the Lower Newport Bay Channel via microtunneling.  It is imperative that the facility and force mains be upgraded to ensure continuous service.




                     Comply with California Public Contract Code Section 20103.8, award construction contract to lowest responsive, responsible bidder

                     Operate and maintain facilities to minimize impacts on surrounding communities, including odor, noise, and lighting

                     Achieve less than 2.1 sewer spills per 100 miles




The pump station and force mains need to be replaced, and the project budget is insufficient to award a construction contract agreement.




Increase the project budget and award a construction contract agreement for Bay Bridge Pump Station Replacement, Project No. 5-67.




The pump station and force mains are at the end of their useful life and may require emergency or urgent repairs if construction is delayed.




The reliability of the system will remain compromised until the pump station and force mains are replaced.  There is a risk that the pump station and force mains could fail, potentially causing sewage to spill into the Lower Newport Bay Channel.




August 2024 - Approved a Utility Permit Agreement with the County of Orange for installing force mains under the Lower Newport Bay Channel for the Bay Bridge Pump Station Replacement, Project No. 5-67; and approved a one-time payment of $5,000 to the County of Orange for fees associated with the Utility Permit Agreement.


August 2024 - Approved a Project Specific Maintenance Agreement with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for the construction and maintenance of force mains, drainage pipes, retaining wall, sidewalk, curb and gutter hardscape, and landscaping within the Caltrans right-of-way for the Bay Bridge Pump Station Replacement, Project No. 5-67.


September 2023 - Approved a License Agreement with the City of Newport Beach for construction staging area for the Bay Bridge Pump Station and Force Mains Replacement, Project No. 5-67.


July 2023 - Considered, received, and certified the Addendum to the Environmental Impact Report for the Bay Bridge Pump Station and Force Mains Replacement Project No. 5-67, dated July 2023; and adopted Resolution No. OC SAN 23-13 entitled, “A Resolution of the Orange County Sanitation District Board of Directors receiving and filing the Addendum to the Environmental Impact Report for the Bay Bridge Pump Station and Force Mains Replacement Project No. 5-67 and approved the Modified Project”.


February 2021 - Considered, received, and certified the Environmental Impact Report for the Bay Bridge Pump Station and Force Mains Replacement Project, Project No. 5-67, dated January 2021; and adopted Resolution No. OC SAN 21-03, entitled: “A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Orange County Sanitation District Certifying the Environmental Impact Report for the Bay Bridge Pump Station and Force Mains Replacement Project, Project No. 5-67; Adopting the Mitigation Monitoring Program; and Approving the Bay Bridge Pump Station and Force Mains Replacement Project, Project No. 5-67”.




OC San concluded property negotiations for the Bridge Pump Station in September 2024. On October 8, 2024, a final judgement in condemnation was issued.  OC San paid a $27,500,000 lump sum settlement for the property, utilizing funds previously allocated for the construction contract agreement.


OC San advertised Project No. 5-67 for bids on September 30, 2024, and two sealed bids were received on January 24, 2025.  A summary of the bid opening follows:


Engineer’s Estimate

$ 94,750,000


Amount of Bid

J.F. Shea Construction, Inc.

$ 87,321,000

Hensel Phelps Construction Co.

$ 88,457,581


The bids were evaluated in accordance with OC San’s policies and procedures.  A notice was sent to all bidders on February 6, 2025, informing them of the intent of OC San staff to recommend award of the Construction Contract Agreement to J.F. Shea Construction, Inc.


Staff recommends awarding a Construction Contract Agreement to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, J.F. Shea Construction, Inc., for a total amount not to exceed $87,321,000.


Staff requests a 10% contingency for this project due to the challenging nature of the work with deep excavations, microtunneling under the Lower Newport Bay Channel, congested work site with tight restrictions, and the need to keep the existing pump station operating and accessible during construction.




OC San, as lead agency, prepared a Final Program Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") for the Bay Bridge Pump Station and Force Mains Replacement Project, Project No. 5-67, dated May 2018.  OC San ultimately certified the EIR for the Project on February 24, 2021.  In response to a court ruling, the project was modified, and the impacts of those modifications were analyzed in an Addendum to the EIR.  OC San received and filed the Addendum, and approved the modified project, on July 26, 2023.  (Public Resources Code Section 21166; CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, 15164.)




This request complies with the authority levels of OC San’s Purchasing Ordinance.   This item has been budgeted (Budget FY 2024-25 and 2025-26, Section 8, Page 27, Bay Bridge Pump Station Replacement, Project No. 5-67).  This item will increase the project budget and will be funded from the CIP budget.




The following attachment(s) may be viewed on-line at the OC San website ( with the complete agenda package:


                     Construction Contract Agreement



