File #: 2021-1762    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Non-Consent Status: Passed
File created: 7/8/2021 In control: OPERATIONS COMMITTEE
On agenda: 7/28/2021 Final action: 7/28/2021
Sponsors: Kathy Millea
Attachments: 1. Agenda Report, 2. J-120 Task Order and Attachments, 3. Presentation - J-120_Task Order
Related files: 2021-1584, 2024-3694, 2023-2916, 2023-2802

FROM:                     James D. Herberg, General Manager

                     Originator: Kathy Millea, Director of Engineering 












A.       Approve Task Order No. 1 under the Master Services Agreement with ABB Inc. to provide services, software, and equipment for Process Control Systems Upgrades, Project No. J-120, for an amount not to exceed $11,818,480; and


B.       Approve a contingency of $1,181,848 (10%).





The Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system provides essential process monitoring, control, and archiving of process data, which is required for regulatory compliance.  This system provides automatic control and allows operators to interactively monitor and control the process facilities from centralized areas, assuring that the systems are performing properly and that alarm conditions can be monitored and responded to immediately.  The existing SCADA system utilizes programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and a Human-Machine-Interface (HMI) system consisting of networks, servers, workstations, software, and a data archiving system referred to as a historian.


The existing HMI software package is no longer supported by any vendor and requires emulation software to use Windows-based workstations.  There are only a few people outside of the Orange County Sanitation District (OC San) who can make software changes to support the current and future needs of OC San.  This system will become increasingly difficult to service and maintain with time.


Process Control Systems Upgrades Study, Project No. SP-196, determined the requirements for the new SCADA system, developed a scope of work to replace the existing HMI, and performed a multi-phase procurement to evaluate and select a vendor platform to replace the existing SCADA system.  Approval of a Master Services Agreement with the selected vendor, ABB Inc., is scheduled to be submitted for Board approval at the same meeting as this item.





                     24/7/365 treatment plant reliability

                     Sustain 1, 5, 20-year planning horizons

                     Maintain a proactive asset management program




The existing HMI system is at the end of its useful life and requires replacement to continue to provide a reliable system for OC San Operations and Maintenance staff.  The HMI system needs to be replaced as a complete integrated system, including the development of new HMI and controller programming standards and templates.




Approve Task Order No. 1 under the Master Services Agreement with ABB Inc. to replace the existing HMI, which includes software and hardware standards development.  This task order will replace the HMI and will integrate the new system with the existing PLCs.  Existing PLC systems will be replaced over time through a number of capital improvement projects.




Finding programmers with the appropriate training to support the HMI system is becoming difficult.  The existing HMI needs to be replaced as a complete system.




It will become increasingly difficult to support and maintain the HMI software due to staff and consultant retirements in the next 10 years.




Staff conducted extensive negotiations with ABB Inc. to review the scope of work requirements, the assumptions to be used for the estimated level of effort, and the level of design detail required for this project.  In evaluating whether the fee proposal was fair and reasonable, the estimated level of effort was evaluated in detail for each phase, task, and subtask, and found to be justified by the needs of the project, the agreed-upon assumptions, and OC San’s expectation for the quality of services.  This was further validated by staff from Stantec, the Consultant retained to support OC San through Project No. SP-196.  The original proposal of $8,433,736 was negotiated down to $8,211,707.


During negotiations, additional scope items were added to enhance the functionality of the SCADA platform by incorporating additional features into the base platform identified in the RFP.  A number of these items were not included in the base scope because doing so would have eliminated some competitors or given one firm an inappropriate advantage.  These scope items added additional effort and licensing costs associated with the project.








Replacement of existing Wonderware enterprise historian


This was not in the original scope since one of the competitors provides the current historian and would have had an unfair price advantage. Using ABB’s historian leverages the integrated features of the new system.


Replacement of existing Monthly Summary of Operations reports and new electronic operator daily round sheets


The existing reporting system is a custom program that is difficult to maintain. OC San has been looking at implementing an operator round sheet solution for several years. This was not in the original scope since not all firms offer this feature.


Additional cybersecurity features


ABB offered additional cyber security features that extend beyond the base requirements. These features increase security and have been tested and proven by them as an integrated system.


Enhancement of the existing Major Equipment Status system


The original scope included the replacement of this system in kind. This enhancement will integrate with the SCADA system to provide real-time plant capacity for wet and dry weather conditions.


Additional programming standards and testing


This item increases how many programing templates that ABB will need to configure.  The additional templates were identified after the original scope was prepared.  This also adds support for witness testing by OC San for all new programming templates.


Existing Control Room Upgrade Study


Authorizes ABB to develop a conceptual design for the new control room configurations at Plant No. 1 and No. 2 based on the new HMI system.


Total Additional Scope Items




As a result of these negotiations, the base bid with the additional scope items resulted in total fee of $11,818,480.  Based on the above, staff recommends awarding the task order to ABB Inc.




The project is exempt from CEQA under the Class 1 and 2 categorical exemptions set forth in California Code of Regulations Sections 15301 and 15302.  A Notice of Exemption will be filed with the OC Clerk-Recorder after OC San’s Board of Directors approval of the Master Services Agreement and Task Order No. 1.





This request complies with the authority levels of OC San’s Purchasing Ordinance.  This item has been budgeted (Budget Update, Fiscal Year 2021-2022, Appendix A, Page A-8, Process Control Systems Upgrades, Project No. J-120) and the budget is sufficient for the recommended action.



The following attachment(s) may be viewed on-line at the OC San website ( with the complete agenda package:


                     Task Order No. 1


