FROM: Robert Thompson, General Manager
Originator: Lorenzo Tyner, Assistant General Manager
RECOMMENDATION: Recommend to the Board of Directors to:
A. Approve an Equipment and Services Contract to Idaho Truck Specialties, LLC DBA Cobalt Truck Equipment, for the Collections Pull Rig Project, to provide a custom-built replacement piece of equipment (Unit) that is similar in nature to the existing Pull Rig equipment in operation, for a total amount not to exceed $247,621, to be completed within three hundred sixty five (365) calendar days from the effective date of the Notice to Proceed;
B. Approve two (2) optional one-year renewals, each for a total amount not to exceed $247,621, with an application of annual adjustment based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Nevada not to exceed 3.5% per year; and
C. Approve a total contingency of $148,573 (20%).
Orange County Sanitation District’s (OC San) wastewater collection system is maintained using mechanical equipment to remove grit and debris from the sewer system. The mechanical equipment consists of cabled tires ranging from 15 to 48 inches tethered to a custom-built vehicle with a heavy-duty winch and cable system. This custom-built equipment is labeled as a Pull-Rig by OC San. The units currently in service employ a planetary winch and supplemental capstan with approximately 3,000 feet of 3/8” wire rope (cable). The winch system is the primary reason for this custom-built body attached to a medium-duty cab and chassis from model years 2006, 2008, and 2013. Operator controls are mounted at the vehicle's rear so that the operator can control the unit by standing at ground level. The units in service can handle 23,000 lbs. of pull on the cable. OC San currently has three of these units in operation which are necessary to maintain the collection system. Purchasing units before 2027 allows for the use of gasoline engines rather than battery electric units.
• Protect OC San assets
• Ensure the public’s money is wisely spent
• Commitment to safety & reducing risk in all operations
OC San’s three Pull Rigs currently in operation are aging, experiencing frequent breakdowns, and incurring increased maintenance costs. Many of the components are becoming obsolete and are no longer economical to maintain. These units were custom-built and are not a candidate for refurbishment due to the cost, custom nature, and necessary safety improvements required.
Replace one of the aging Pull Rigs by entering into an Equipment Design and Fabrication Services Contract with Cobalt Truck Equipment (Cobalt). Commission the new unit, ensure adherence to the contracted scope and make any necessary modifications for functionality and safety. Upon successful completion of the commissioning of the first unit, engage with Cobalt to build up to two additional replacement units.
The Pull Rigs currently in operation profiled for replacement are becoming increasingly unreliable with age. Delaying the replacement of the units will incur additional costs to keep the equipment in operation beyond its practical useful and economic life.
The units currently in operation may fail with age, thus preventing critical maintenance cleaning tasks of the collection system. Without proper maintenance, debris can accumulate inside the pipes, increasing the risk of a sewer spill in the public right of way.
In March of 2021, an RFP was advertised for the Collections Pull Rig project. No proposals were received therefore the procurement was put on hold. In the interim, the units in current operation were lightly refurbished. On September 17, 2024, OC San advertised an RFP to procure the work and services outlined in the Collections Pull Rig project’s scope of work (SOW) with revisions that included a design-build approach more appropriate to custom-built equipment. The following evaluation criteria were described in the RFP and used to determine the most qualified firm.
Criterion |
Weighting |
Project Understanding and Approach |
40% |
Qualifications and Experience |
40% |
Fee Proposal |
20% |
OC San received two proposals, both of which were evaluated and individually scored based on the criteria and weighting requirements included in the RFP and in accordance with the evaluation process set forth in OC San’s Purchasing Ordinance. The Evaluation Team scored the proposals on the established criteria as summarized in the table below.
Proposer |
Project Understanding and Approach (Max. 40 Points) |
Qualifications and Experience (Max. 40 Points) |
Fee Proposal (Max. 20 Points) |
Total Score (Max. 100 Points) |
Cobalt Truck Equipment |
27 |
28 |
15 |
70 |
QMC Cranes LLC |
28 |
29 |
13 |
70 |
Interviews were conducted on November 6, 2024. The Evaluation Team determined the highest-scoring proposer based on both the written proposal and the interview as summarized in the table below.
Proposer |
Project Understanding and Approach (Max. 40 Points) |
Qualifications and Experience (Max. 40 Points) |
Fee Proposal (Max. 20 Points) |
Total Score (Max. 100 Points) |
Cobalt Truck Equipment |
28 |
28 |
15 |
71 |
QMC Cranes LLC |
35 |
32 |
13 |
80 |
Based on the final scores QMC Cranes, LLC (QMC) received the highest score since they provided an in-depth description of the project approach, demonstrated a good understanding of the SOW, and provided some innovative recommendations. However, QMC’s price is more than three times that of Cobalt’s price. QMC did not provide a detailed breakdown of what is included in their pricing. To understand price formulation by both proposers and to ensure that their proposed pricing was aligned with the current market conditions the Evaluation Team issued a request for itemized price breakdown. Below is the summary of the prices.
Proposer |
Base Items Amount (Basis of Score) |
Optional Items Amount |
Fee Proposal Total Amount |
Cobalt Truck Equipment |
$226,693.06 |
$20,927.94 |
$247,621.00 |
QMC Cranes LLC |
$670,000.00 |
$225,000.00 |
$895,000.00 |
QMC refused to provide itemized pricing stating that they did not have the resources to invest in this task without being compensated since Engineering time is required to develop a price breakdown. OC San evaluation staff explained to QMC that without the price breakdown any further evaluation and negotiations cannot proceed. QMC still persisted with their refusal to provide any price breakdown. Therefore, QMC was removed from further consideration.
Cobalt provided the itemized price breakdown as requested by OC San. Cobalt provided the utmost effort and demonstrated a good understanding of the SOW. Responsiveness demonstrated by Cobalt and additional information provided during the price review process assured the Evaluation Team of Cobalt’s qualifications to perform SOW and transparency of their pricing. The Evaluation Team evaluated all costs and deemed the final agreed-upon amount fair and reasonable for the agreed-upon SOW.
This request complies with authority levels of OC San’s Purchasing Ordinance. This item has been budgeted (Budget FY 2024-25 and 2025-26, Section 8, Page 89, Proposed Capital Equipment Budget) and the budget is sufficient for the recommended action.
Additional unit cost breakdown:
First Unit (Base Year) |
First Optional Unit (Year One to be exercised at OC San’s discretion) |
Second Optional Unit (Year Two to be exercised at OC San’s discretion) |
Grand Toal of Three (3) Units |
$247,621 |
$247,621 |
$247,621 |
$742,863 |
The following attachment(s) may be viewed on-line at the OC San website ( with the complete agenda package:
• Equipment and Services Contract
• Presentation